[Excel] Shortcut Collection

Below is a compilation of convenient shortcuts I use on a daily basis.

File Operations

  • Alt + F2: Save As

  • Ctrl + N: New (create a new workbook)

Sheet Operations

  • Ctrl + PageUp: Go to the previous sheet

  • Ctrl + PageDown: Go to the next sheet

Search & Select

  • Ctrl + F: Find

  • Ctrl + H: Replace

  • Ctrl + A

    • When a blank cell is selected: Select the entire sheet

    • When a cell with data is selected: Select the entire range containing the data

    • When an object is selected: Select all objects on the sheet

  • Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key: Select to the end of a data region


  • Ctrl + Y: Repeat the last action you performed, or redo an action you reversed with Ctrl + Z.

    • For example, you can merge cells once and then use Ctrl + Y to repeat the merge.

  • Ctrl + ;: Insert the current date

  • F2: Edit the selected cell

    • For instance, if you start typing in a selected cell and want to move the cursor within the text using the arrow keys, press F2 to switch to edit mode.

  • Alt + Shift + →: Group data

  • Alt + Shift + ←: Ungroup data

  • Ctrl + 1: Open the Format Cells dialog

  • Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase font size

  • Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease font size

